samnation3000 free emotes and more

Emotes on this page: Badge Sets: 17 • Overlays: 40

Everything on these pages is FREE to use! Please do not sell or repost.

It's almost all recycled material. I don't claim ownership of any images, and I'm not making any money off them. But I edited, cut out, composited, resized, generated the words, and color adjusted all the emotes and overlays below to make it easy for you to add them to your streams. They are provided as my contribution to the Twitch community.

To download, just right-click and "Save as..." to your harddrive. Hover over an emote to see what it is. Some band member emotes are with their bands and not separate, unless they were big solo. Alphabetical by first name.

If you have emote or overlay requests, advice, suggestions, or issues, send me a whisper or email me at

Check out the Twitch DJ List of streamers who have used my emotes and overlays. If you use these emotes and want to be included in the list, just let me know

Twitch Help: Subscriber Emote Guide for Partners and AffiliatesOverlays in OBS

Want to show me support for these resources? I stream too! Please give me a follow at THANK YOU!


A-Z by title or first name (hover to enlarge): a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | W | x | y | z

a 120 Minutes 1984 300 Absolutely Fabulous Absolutely Fabulous Addams Family Addams Family Addams Family Addams Family Addams Family Addams Family Aeon Fluxx AL TV Alan Cumming Alice In Wonderland Alice In Wonderland Alice In Wonderland Alice In Wonderland Alien Alien Alien Alien Alien Alien Alien Alladin Alladin MTVs Alternative Nation American Bandstand American Psycho American Psycho American Psycho Angela Landsbury Animaniacs Animaniacs Animaniacs Archie Archie Disney Aristocats Disney Aristocats Disney Aristocats Disney Aristocats Aquaman Arnold Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force mastershake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force Aubrey Plaza Austin Powers Austin Powers Austin Powers Austin Powers Avatar Avatar Avatar Avatar Avatar Avatar Avatar b Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barbie Barney Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Slap 1 Batman Slap 2 Disney Baymax Disney Baymax Disney Bruno Beat Street Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Benny Hill Benny Hill BET Betty Davis Betty Davis Betty Davis Betty Boop Big Brother Big Lebowski Big Lebowski Big Lebowski Big Trouble In Little China Big Trouble In Little China Big Trouble In Little China Big Trouble In Little China The Black Hole The Black Hole Black Snake Moan Blacula Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Mr Blobby Blockbuster Be Kind Rewind Bloodsport Bloodsport Kumite Blue Falcon Blue Man Group Blue Man Group Blue Velvet Bluey Bluey Bluey Bluey Bob Ross Bob Ross Bob Saget Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers The Boys The Boys The Boys The Boys The Boys The Boys Bozo Bozo The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch Braveheart Braveheart The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Buddy Christ Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character Bugs Bunny Character c Cable Guy Caddyshack Carl Weathers Cars Cars Cars Care Bears Care Bears Cary Elwes Cats Charlies AngelsNEW Charlies AngelsNEW Charlies AngelsNEW Charlies AngelsNEW Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Chilly WillyNEW Chris Farley Chris Rock Christopher Walken Chuck Norris Chuck Norris Club MTV Club MTV Clueless Cocaine bear Disney Coco Disney Coco Colbert Coraline Coraline Cold Miser Cold Miser Courage The Crow Cruella d Daffy Duck Dave Chappelle Dave Chappelle Dave Chappelle David Hasselhoff David Lynch David Lynch Day Of The Dead Day Of The Dead Paul Rudd and Jimmy Fallon as Dead Or Alive Diffrent Strokes Diffrent Strokes Disney Disney Dora Dora Dora Dr Demento Dr Phill Dr Seuss Dr Seuss Dr Seuss Dr Who Dr Who Dr Who Dr Ruth Dr Ruth Don Knotts Don Knotts Mr Furley Mr Furley Don Johnson Disney Donald Duck Disney Donald Duck Donald Glover Donnie Simpson Donald Sutherland Donald Sutherland Downtown Julie Brown Drew Barrymore Droopy Dudley DoRight Dune Dune Dune Dune Dune Dune Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson e ET ET Eddie Izzard Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy Disney Eeyore Disney Eeyore Elvira Empire Records Empire Records Empire Records Empire Records Empire Records Empire Records Disney Emperor Erasurehead Snake Plissken from Escape from NY f The Facts Of Life The Facts Of Life The Facts Of Life The Facts Of Life The Facts Of Life The Facts Of Life Fairly Oddparents Fallout Fallout Fallout Fame Family Feud Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Fantasia Spicoli from Fast Times Farrah FawcettNEW Grace from Ferris Bueller Ferris Bueller Fifth Element Fifth Element Fifth Element Fifth Element Fifth Element Flash Flash Gordon Flash Gordon Flash Gordon Flash Gordon Ming Ming Ming Flashdance Flashdance Flight Of The Conchords Flight Of The Conchords Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones Matthew PerryNEW Full Metal Jacket Full Metal Jacket Furiosa Mr Furley Mr Furley Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama g G-Force G-Force G-Force G-Force G-Force Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Guardians of the galaxy Guardians of the galaxy George Hamilton George Hamilton Gerald Ghostbusters Ghostbusters Ghostbusters Slimer Ghoulies Ghost Rider Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Godfather Godfather Godfather Godfather Godzilla King Kong Godzilla Godzilla Godzilla Godzilla Godzooky Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goonies Gone With The Wind Goosebumps Grease Grease Grease Frenchy from Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Greatest American Hero Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Gremlins Great Garbo Greta Garbo h Hackers Hackers Hackers Hackers HAIR Harrison Ford he-man he-man Heat Miser Heat Miser hedwig Hellraiser Harley Quinn Harley Quinn Harley Quinn Harley Quinn Holy Grail Hong Kong Phooey Home alone Hot Ones Howard Stern Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan i Raiders of the Lost Ark Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia j Jack Klugman Disney Jack Skellington Disney Jack Skellington Disney Jack Skellington Disney Jack Skellington Jake Gyllenhall Jan Michael Vincent James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond James Bond Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jay and Silent Bob Jay and Silent Bob Bloodsport The Jeffersons The Jeffersons Jennifer Lawrence Disney Jessica Rabbit Jetsons Jetsons Jetsons Jetsons Jetsons Joan Crawford John Cusack John Cusack Johnny Bravo Johnny Bravo Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Jonny Quest Jurassic park k Katt Williams Katt Williams Katt Williams Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves Kevin Bacon Kevin james Kevin james Killer Klowns Killer Klowns Killer Klowns King Kong Sam Kinison Kool-Aid Man from Family Guy Welcome Back Kotter Welcome Back Kotter Kumite l Bowie Labyrinth Bowie Labyrinth Bowie Labyrinth Bowie Labyrinth Law and Order Leslie Nielsen Leo Dicaprio Leo Dicaprio Leo Dicaprio Disney Lion King Disney Lion King Liquid Sky The Lost Boys The Lost Boys The Lost Boys Lucy Lucy Lucy m Macgyver MAD Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Mad Max Furiosa Madea Madea maleficent Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Mars Attacks Mars Attacks Mars Attacks Mars Attacks Mars Attacks Matthew Perry Mattlock Marvel Max Headroom Mean Girls Mean Girls Mean Girls Melissa McCarthy Melissa McCarthy Melissa McCarthy Melissa McCarthy Disney Little Mermaid Disney Little Mermaid Disney Little Mermaid Metalocalypse Metalocalypse Metalocalypse Metalocalypse Metalocalypse Metalocalypse Halloween Halloween Michael Cera Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Disney Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Disney Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Disney Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mighty Mouse Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Milk and Cheese Ming Ming Ming Minion Minion Minion Minion Disney Minnie Mouse Disney Minnie Mouse Miso soup Mod Squad Mod Squad Mommy Dearest Monty Python Monty Python Monty Python Monty Python Monty Python Mooby The More You Know Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman Mork and Mindy Mork and Mindy Mork and Mindy Mortal Kombat Morton Downey Jr Mr Blobby Mr Magoo Mr Magoo Mr Rogers Mr Rogers Mr Rogers Mr Rogers Mr Rogers Mr Rogers Mr Rogers Mr T Mr T Animal Dr Teeth Big Bird Cookie Monster Elmo Grover Oscar the Grouch Menomena Menomena Menomena Statler and Waldorf Statler and Waldorf Gonzo Scooter Fozzy Kermit The Count Sam Floyd DrTeeth Munsters Munsters Munsters Munsters MTV MTV MTV MTV Muttley n Napoleon Dynamite Netflix The Neverending Story The Neverending Story Nic Cage Nic Cage Nic Cage Nic Cage Night Court Night Flight Norman Fell Nuclear Man o Disney Olaf Disney Olaf Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Ozark Oscars p Pee Wee Herman Pee Wee Herman Pee Wee Herman Pee Wee Herman Pee Wee Herman Pee Wee Herman Penguins Phantom Of The Disco Phil Hartman Plan 9 from outer space Plan 9 from outer space Planet Of The Apes Planet Of The Apes Planet Of The Apes Planet Of The Apes Planet Of The Apes Pennywide Pennywide Peppa Pig Perry Platypus Pink Panther Popeye Popeye Power Ranger Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Press Your Luck Press Your Luck Duckie from Pretty In Pink Duckie from Pretty In Pink Steph from Pretty In Pink Price Is Right Price Is Right Price Is Right The Prisoner Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Punisher Pussnboots Pussnboots q Q from Star Trek Q from Star Trek Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino Quincy Quincy r Rated R Randy Jackson Randy Jackson Raquel Welch Raquel Welch Raquel Welch Reading Rainbow Real Genius Real Genius Real Genius Real Genius Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Ren and Stimpy Return to Oz Richard Simmons Richard E Grant Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Squanchy Mr Poopy Butthole Mr Poopy Butthole Mr Poopy Butthole Mr Poopy Butthole rick and morty Robocop Robert Downey Jr Robin Robin Rock'N'Rule Rock'N'Rule Rocky Rocky 3 Rocky 3 Rocky and Bullwinkle Rocky and Bullwinkle Rocky and Bullwinkle Rocky and Bullwinkle Rocky and Bullwinkle Rocky Horror Rocky Horror Rocky Horror Rocky Horror Rocky Horror Rodney Dangerfield Rodney Dangerfield The Ropers The Ropers The Room The Room A Night At The Roxbury Rudolph TV Special Rudolph TV Special Rudolph TV Special Rudolph TV Special Rudolph TV Special Rudolph TV Special s Sailor Moon Samuel L Jackson Sanford and Son Sanford and Son Sanford and Son Sanford and Son Sanford and Son Sanford and Son Sanford and Son SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL - Tippy Turtle SNL SNL SNL SNL - Mr Bill SNL - Mr Bill SNL SNL Phil Hartman SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL SNL Mr Tuttle from Saved By The Bell Scanners Scarface Scarface Scarface Scarface Schitts Creek Schitts Creek Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scream Scream Hello Numan Disney Scrooge McDuck The Shadow Shannen Doherty Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit Sid and nancy Silence Of The Lambs Silence Of The Lambs Silence Of The Lambs Quilloughby from the Simpsons Quilloughby from the Simpsons Old Man from the Simpsons Radioactive Man Stupid Sexy Flanders Devil Flanders Ned Flanders Ned Flanders Ned Flanders Ned Flanders Ned Flanders Homer Homer Homer Homer Devil Homer Homer Mr Plow Homer Mr Plow Homer Marge Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Maggie Maggie Maggie Marge Marge Bart Bart grandpa Millhouse Millhouse Millhouse Millhouse Millhouse Martin Ralph Ralph Ralph Chief Nelson Moe Willy Snoball Santas Little Helper Duffman Duff Scorpio Krusty Krusty Krusty Krusty Otto Lionel Hutz Troy McClure Troy McClure Professor Comic Book Guy Mr Burns Smithers Donut Gummy Venus Di Milo Six Million Dollar Man Six Million Dollar Man Skeletor Slacker Smile Smurfs Smurfs Papa SmurfNEW Papa Smurf Snoopy Snoopy Solid Gold Solid Gold Sophia Loren Soul Train Soul Train South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Space Ghost Space Ghost Space Ghost Space Ghost Space Ghost Speed Racer Speed Racer Speed Racer Speed Racer Speed Racer Speed Racer Spiderman Venom Spike Spirited Away Spirited Away Spongebob Spongebob SpongebobNEW Spongebob SpongebobNEW SpongebobNEW SpongebobNEW Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Squid Games Squid Games Squid Games Squid Games Stanley Stanley Starfleet Starfleet Starfleet Starfleet Starfleet Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Khan Khan Khan Kirk Kirk Spock Spock Spock Spock Picard Picard Picard Q from Star Trek Q from Star Trek Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Mandalorian Mandalorian Yoda Yoda Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars The Acolyte Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi Steve Guttenberg Steven Universe Disney Stitch Straight Outta Compton Stranger Things Stranger Things Stranger Things Stranger Things Stranger Things Stranger Things Stranger Things Superman General Zod Ursa Non NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW t TMNT TMNT TMNT TMNT Teletubbies Teletubbies Television Television Television Terminator Terrifier Terrifier Terrifier Terrifier Terrifier Tesseract Thanos Thanos Thanos They Live They Live They Live They Live They Live Larry from the Three Stooges Curly from the Three Stooges Moe from the Three Stooges Disney Tigger Timon Timon Tina Fey Tobey Macguire Tobey Macguire Tobey Macguire Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry Top Secret Top Secret Totoro Tracey Ullman Tracey Ullman Trainspotting Trainspotting Transformers Transformers Transformers Transformers Transformers Transformers Triumph Tron Tron Tron Tron Tron Tron TV Land The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone Twin Peaks Twin Peaks Twin Peaks Twin Peaks David Lynch u uncle grandpa uncle grandpa Underdog UHF UHF What's Happening What's Happening What's Happening What's Happening v Valley Girl Vamp Vamp Venture Brothers Venture Brothers Venture Brothers Venture Brothers Venture Brothers Brock Samson Doctor Girlfriend Doctor Girlfriend Doctor Girlfriend Guild of Calamitous Intent Guild of Calamitous Intent Guild of Calamitous Intent Henry Killinger Venom Venom VHS VHS VHS VHS Video Soul Vin DieselNEW Vin DieselNEW Vin DieselNEW w Walter Mercado Walter Mercado Watchmen Watchmen Watchmen Waynes World Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Addams Family Addams Family Addams Family Weird Science Welcome Back Kotter Welcome Back Kotter Welcome Back Kotter Wicked Wicked Wicked Wicked Wicked Wicked Wild Style William Petersen William Petersen Will Smith Willy Wonka Willy Wonka Willy Wonka Willy Wonka Disney Winnie The Pooh Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz WKRP WolfNEW Woody Woodpecker x Xanadu Xanadu Xanadu Xanadu y Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine Yentl The Young Ones The Young Ones The Young Ones The Young Ones The Young Ones z Zardoz General Zod General Zod General Zod Back to top

Twitch DJ List

Here is a partial list of the DJs/VJs who are using, or have used in the past, these emotes and overlays. THANK YOU! If I missed you, send me a whisper or email me at and I will add you. I know there are A LOT who are not on this list, and some that no longer stream. Listed aplabetically:

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Site created by Sam Jennings, aka samnation3000