Everything on these pages is FREE to use! Please do not sell or repost.
It's almost all recycled material. I don't claim ownership of any images, and I'm not making any money off them. But I edited, cut out, composited, resized, generated the words, and color adjusted all the emotes and overlays below to make it easy for you to add them to your streams. They are provided as my contribution to the Twitch community.
To download, just right-click and "Save as..." to your harddrive. Hover over an emote to see what it is. Some band member emotes are with their bands and not separate, unless they were big solo. Alphabetical by first name.
If you have emote or overlay requests, advice, suggestions, or issues, send me a whisper or email me at sam@samjennings.com.
Check out the Twitch DJ List of streamers who have used my emotes and overlays. If you use these emotes and want to be included in the list, just let me know
Twitch Help: Subscriber Emote Guide for Partners and Affiliates • Overlays in OBS
Want to show me support for these resources? I stream too! Please give me a follow at twitch.tv/samnation3000. THANK YOU!
A-Z by title or first name (hover to enlarge): a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | W | x | y | z
aHere is a partial list of the DJs/VJs who are using, or have used in the past, these emotes and overlays. THANK YOU! If I missed you, send me a whisper or email me at sam@samjennings.com and I will add you. I know there are A LOT who are not on this list, and some that no longer stream. Listed aplabetically: